In the Press: Seville Tourism’s post-Covid task force

Spain Savvy has been participating in the task force set up the local Tourism Board in Seville to brainstorm ways the city will reopen to international visitors post-COVID.

“{The panel experts} specifically referred to the United States, the third country in terms of the origin of visitors who connect to the city, and pointed out the relevance of strengthening the air connection between the U.S. and Seville.”

On the panel to which Spain Savvy was invited, there was a focus on the international tourism market.  Participants shared in discussions of how important it will be to ensure and communicate travelers’ safety and security in returning to Spain after the crisis is contained, as well as pre-plan measures to avoid “tourism of the masses” once again, that can be so dangerous to a virus-prone society.  Professionals in the local tourism world proposed an international marketplace for new digital experiences and Spain Savvy spoke of the ways it is contributing to clients’ “armchair travel”.  Many spoke of the U.S. market taking its time to return to the international travel space, but Spain Savvy interjected saying that Americans cannot be dismissed as scared, as we feel strongly that they will be back just as soon as it is safe and permitted.

Spain Savvy shared sentiments of colleagues that travel will become more personalized, with longer stays and smaller groups, the the focus of our business even before the COVID crisis.

Spain Savvy also brought up the important of more air connections, specifically between the U.S. and Seville, and Sarah made mention of the fact that it would be ideal to use this unexpected downtime to continue and complete negotiations, and that it would be fantastic to see that first U.S.-Seville flight inaugurated in the first months that we are back in business.

You can read more about Spain Savvy’s involvement in the roundtable discussion between the public and private tourism sectors on opening up Seville once confinement measures around the COVID health crisis are fully eased, at this link.

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